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Sep 26, 2023 1 min read

How do I know when someone gives me a tip on Ghost?

How do I know when someone gives me a tip on Ghost?

Currently, if someone gives you a tip via Stripe, we will send you an email with information about who gave you a tip, and how much. Additionally, if you have it set up, we will show that user a thank you message after donating, and will send them a thank you email.

This is for both the Space Station and the Luna plans.

If someone donates via PayPal on the Space Station plan, Outpost does not see that.

If you are on the Luna plan AND you have set up a Business account on Paypal and connected that to the Tip Jar page, Outpost will see that donation, show a thank you online, and send the user a thank you note.

If you are on Space Station, you should get an email directly from PayPal with details, and we recommend sending that user a thank you message.

If you want them to be included in the list of people who have donated, search for their email under Members in Ghost, and add the label "Gave_a_donation."

Outpost automatically does this for donations via Stripe on Space Station plans, and for both PayPal and Stripe on the Luna plan (provided you have setup and connected a PayPal business plan.)

To learn more about Outpost, visit our homepage, drop us a note at or just start your free, no credit-card-required 21-day free trial of Outpost.

Image Credits: X-ray: NASA/CXC/SAO; Optical: NASA/ESA/STScl; IR: NASA/ESA/CSA/STScl/Milisavljevic et al., NASA/JPL/CalTech; Image Processing: NASA/CXC/SAO/J. Schmidt and K. Arcand

Go to the main documentation page. Or contact if you have questions.

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