Oct 12, 2023 1 min read

How do I add a complimentary subscription to my Ghost site?

How do I add a complimentary subscription to my Ghost site?

In your Outpost Control Center, select Members under the Members tab:

Screenshot of Members tab

If you're adding a complimentary subscription for a new member, select Add Member at the top:

Screenshot of Members tab with Add Member circled

There, you can add a new member. Be sure to select Complimentary under Member Level, and put in how long you want the complimentary subscription to last:

Screenshot of Add Member menu, with Member Level: Complimentary circled

If you'd like to give a complimentary subscription to an existing member, find them under Members and select Show Details:

Screenshot of member in Members tab, with Show Details circled

There, change their Member Level to Complimentary and add how long you want the complimentary subscription to last. Don't forget to save changes with Submit:

Member details menu with Complimentary Member Level and Submit circled

Reach out to us at support@outpost.pub if you need assistance, and let us know how we can help.

Image Credit: NASA

Go to the main documentation page. Or contact support@outpost.pub if you have questions.

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