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Scheduled Marketing and Strategy Sessions

Scheduled Marketing and Strategy Sessions

As your publication grows, you will find yourself spending more time thinking about subscriber growth, marketing, subscriber retention, and ways to keep your current subscribers engaged. As with tech, eventually you will grow big enough that you will hire a dedicated marketing person whose full time job is to come up with innovative, useful ways to grow the business.

The Terraform Plan exists as a bridge between those two places. If marketing and strategy are things you want expert help with, but don't want to (or don't have the budget) to hire someone full time, we can provide that help. You'll get dedicated weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly strategy sessions with an Outpost advisor with over a decade of experience with helping websites grow.

We'll help you strategize ways to grow and keep your audience, as well as help you figure out how to measure the effectiveness of your efforts.

Image Credit: NASA

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