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Dec 24, 2024 2 min read

Outpost 3.4.1 (Chandra and Webb Spy a Cosmic Wreath)

Star cluster in space

We couldn't wait until after the holidays to offer collective members more presents, and are rolling out some new releases to help you run your Ghost sites.

One is a spam filter, to prevent your workdays from being eaten up by bad actors:

This helps if your site gets targeted by annoying actors that create multiple fake accounts, or if there is just someone who keeps registering after beeing banned.

We also created an option to not show CTAs to specified referral codes in URLs (which tell you where the click came from). So, for instance, you can set it that if a someone clicks a link in one of your Ghost-sent emails in their inbox, they will not see CTAs asking them to sign up – even if they are not logged in.

To make that scenario work, go to one of your email newsletters, click a link in it, and copy the code after the traling ?ref= in the link.

So, for instance, if the link is, copy the "outpost-newsletter" and put in the settings for AutoDisplay Site-Wide Exclusions. Just as FYI, if you have multiple newsletters that readers can sign up for, each of those newsletters will have a different Ref, so you will need to add multiple values in this field to have this experience for each newsletter.

  • 🚮 Spam Filter
  • 🔧 Option to not show CTAs to specified Refs

Also, in case you missed it, 3.4 that was just released this week included:

  • 📅 Ability to offer 3-month and 6-month subscription offers
  • 🎁 Gift Subscriptions updated to allow 3-month and 6-month options
  • ⛓ Scheduled subscriptions
  • 📬 Ability to select these new kinds of offers in the Autoresponder
  • 🎨 Updated the Autoresponder interface to make it easier to see what special offer goes with an Action and to make easy to create 3-Month/6-Month subscriptions
  • 📺 New search popup display for the Algolia integration
  • $ Supercast integration
  • 📻 Omny FM podcast integration
  • 🏗️ Outpost admin dashboard updates
Andrew Nikolaenko
Andrew Nikolaenko
Andrew is the co-founder and CTO of Outpost, and created Contextly (part of Luna) with Ryan previously.
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