Sometimes a supporter will love your work so much they want to gift a subscription to someone they think will love you too. Outpost built features to support and manage gift subscriptions, including autoresponder messages to do the work of communication for you.

You can set a gift subscription price, gift subscription renewal price for the person who gave the gift subscription, and special offer for people with gift subscriptions that expire. You can also let subscribers buy a gift subscription ahead of time, for a birthday or holiday, and have the gift subscription start on that day.

Doing gift subscriptions on your own is very complicated and Outpost handles it all:
- Thank you notes to the gift subscription buyer
- Notifications when a scheduled gift subscription is sent
- A comprehensive system for handling when gift subscriptions are about to expire, including ways to let the gift giver give again, or to let the gift recipient to pay for their own extension.
This works seamelessly with Stripe, and both gift givers and gift receivers are labeled in Ghost. That way you can easily see all the people who have given gift subscriptions, and all the people that have been given gift subscriptions, and if you want you can write either group directly from Ghost.

Image Credit: "Aurora over Idaho" NASA/Bill Dunford