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Ghost Member Management

Ghost Member Management

Outpost allows you to easily see details about your members and make notes about individual members. Additionally, you can create complimentary gift subscriptions lasting from one day to fifty years.


Outpost allows you to create groups of subscribers based on characteristics such as member status, payment level, email patterns (eg all subscriptions with .edu email addresses). You can create groups that are one-time only or dynamic, meaning that when new members come and go, they are added and removed from the group. For instance, you could have a dynamic group of all people with .edu email addresses so you can offer a Back to School discount.

You can then email those groups and, coming soon, you will be able to have labels automatically added to members in Ghost so that you can automatically email them from Ghost.


Outpost uses Ghost's built-in labeling tool for members to record important information about subscribers.

Image Credit: NASA

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